I'm starting to feel kind of glum so I needed to remind myself of this morning's laughter.
By 8:30am my sister had called me twice about baby poop. We have lots of conversations about baby poop lately. I was on the phone talking about baby poop when I headed down to the cafe. Yes, the one that I said I needed to stay out of just yesterday. I got my favorite 1 donut and then headed to the omelet/yogurt/fruit bar to get a hard boiled egg for protein. My two favorite troublemakers were there. They started going on and on and on about how they couldn't believe I was getting a hard boiled egg. They are so gross. They can't stand to eat them. Ick, ick, ick, on and on. Meanwhile, my sister is going on about what foods to try to loosen up the constipated baby. Hard boiled eggs are nothing when you regularly talk about poop.
Now, being on the phone, I can't exactly respond to the guys. So I'm thinking what can I do to get them to shut up, one up them on the gross scale. I lick the egg -- thinking that licking the thing they think is gross will that it gross them out.
It did NOT elicit the response I was looking for. Okay, they both shut up for a moment. And turned red. Apparently, licking an egg does not in fact gross them out. It turns them on.
"Hey! Do that again!"
"I like the way you do that."
"How you doin'?"
And when I walked away, laughing and dying of embarrassment, "Hey! Come back here!"
Um... yeah... not what I was going for but definitely for a few good laughs. The three of us all have sore abs from laughing so hard!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
That is very funny.