And read them! Pay attention people!
Seceding from the Union has not gone so well in the past. When Texas first became a country of its own, it needed help from the US. Remember the Alamo! Remember it?? It was one of the battles of the failed attempts of Texas to be free from both the US and Mexico.
And then the South tried to secede... We called that the Civil War. It also did not go well for those trying to leave the Union.
Now, those both happened a long time ago. But the lessons are still pertinent when you are considering trying the same thing and expecting a different outcome. The US has the military and the budget for the military. Even the National Guard that the governors can call up is under the auspices of the federal military.
And, for those people who had the Tea Parties yesterday... How could you let yourselves be called Teabaggers? Really? Most people can't even take you seriously because you allowed yourselves to be called teabaggers! And again, you should have done some more reading about the Boston Tea Party first.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago