Aha! New blog! Now, if I can just figure out how to create an RSS feed from here to my LJ, it will be all good. My friends who have felt deprived from my lack of posting and posting ability should be happier!
Today has been interesting, to say the least. We all slept in a little longer than I'd anticipated but we were all tired. My honey is feeling better though. Got to work and my brain was definitely still at home. I was thinking of the things I want to get done at home, things to do with and for the kids, planning participation in school events and stuff to fill up summer vacation with for the boy. I did not want to be at work. Not that work was bad, just that I wanted to be at home more.
These days, that seems to happen a lot. I think I'm at that point where if I could have the choice, I'd be a stay at home mom for a while. I feel like my home is undone. There is so much work to be done there. I have it in my head that if I could just stay home for a few weeks, I could get it all done and then it would just be maintenance. I know that after a while, I'd get bored and want to go back to work though. I barely made it through 6 weeks of maternity leave with my sanity in tact.
I had my Weight Watchers meeting this morning. I was worried about what the scale would say as I'd eaten my way through two whole days this week. Luckily, I'd done a pretty good job of sticking to low point alternatives to my junk foods. The scale went down nearly a pound. This is a huge difference from it going up and up and up over the winter months.
Just as I was gathering up my stuff and getting ready to head to actual work at my desk again, we had a First Responders call. Typically, they leave me a little unnerved. I feel very responsible for every single person in the building. There have only been a couple of times where I felt worried or emotional with the calls. Today was one of them. The person was crying from the pain they were in. The safety person in me is relieved that it was not an injury, but an illness. However, it is really hard to see someone in that much pain without being able to do anything to fix it. Thankfully the ambulance and police arrived very quickly and took them off to the ER.
Then it was a mad dash to my HSSE (health, safety, security, environment) call. This caused me to miss my normal lunch. Sometimes those calls are really helpful and informative. Sometimes they are not. The call itself was not so informative today but I got lots of leads on where to find some info I've been looking for. Next month's call sounds like it is going to be pretty good.
And now I am here.
A friend was asking for ideas of things to do to not feel so isolated here in MN at the end of winter. There are a million and one things to do for FREE in the Twin Cities. It makes me crazy that I can list about a dozen off the top of my head and yet, I've only taken advantage of a few of them with my family. I think that I am going to make it a goal to take the family to at least one cool, free thing each month. It will get us out of the house, probably be educational, and definitely get us all some exercise. We have got tons of museums, parks, zoos, libraries, etc that all have free family things to do. The zoo is the only thing that we've taken advantage of though. Well some of the parks too but not enough.
I think that is all for now... I know that there is more swirling around in my brain, but I should try to get some actual work done today too.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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